Hi there! I am sinan, welcome to my corner of the web. I am intrested in computers, internet and FOSS. I have lots of free time, most of the time I'll be tinkering with the current thing. feel free to reach out to me at my handles, you can find them at the contact section of the website, although I might not respond right away.
website guide
This website is written using pure html and css thanks to MDN. and simplecss. created purely for entertainment purposes I will write most random shit that comes to my mind. you can use whatever browser you like including w3m and lynx.
[matrix]: @sinan:sinanmohd.comemail: sinan[@]sinanmohd.com
i prefer matrix, but if you don't want a conversation just use email.
other cool websites
I like making stuff and putting it on the internet 🫦
- Nevin Saji Elavathingal (nevinsaji.com)
cgit: git.sinanmohd.comgithub: github.com/sinanmohd